The Path to Gratituide and Self Worth: A Developmental Perspective


Dr. James Bramson and Lyn Benson are excited to invite you to join them on a 12 Journey of discovery to experience Siem Reap, Cambodia, home of the UNESCO World Heritage Archeological wonder of Angkor Watt and Luang Prabang, the beautiful ancient temple city in Laos.

Living in Gratitude can increase health, happiness, compassion and well-being and provide vitality and inner peace during challenging times. Genuine gratitude can potentially open anyone up to the gift of love and life. It can make life more fulfilling and joyous.

In this workshop we will explore the developmental steps necessary for instilling and growing gratitude in our key relationships. Through the use of experiential exercises, didactic learning, stories, meditations and metaphors, we will demonstrate and practise how to promote self worth, so that we can instill this in our clients, partners and children and in all of our relationships. Drawing on the work of John and Myla Kabat-Zinn, Daniel Siegel and others, we will examine unspoken myths and rules in our Family of Origin, our values as partners and parents and working through the idea that our history is not our destiny. Additionally, we will examine the intra psychic phenomenon that can cause clients (and all of us) to feel like perpetual malcontents …versus contented and fulfilled human beings.

This workshop will outline a detailed program for obtaining and maintaining gratitude, self worth, a conscious purpose, and lasting contentment. The seminal work of Angeles Arrien, Richard Schwartz (the Internal Family Systems Model), and Paul Hatherley will be explored and applied through a Mindfulness framework.